No-code modern SharePoint site redirect

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In classic SharePoint sites, it was possible to redirect users to a different site using a few different approaches. However modern SharePoint sites are more restrictive (for good) and offer different features that require different approaches.
Fortunately, if you need to redirect users when they try to access the homepage of a specific site, this can be easily achieved using a simple no-code solution.

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Trigger When a file is created or modified in SharePoint

Power Automate and Azure Logic Apps are great to use as automation tools for processes that include SharePoint data. A trigger that I often use is when a file is created or modified in SharePoint. Unfortunately, they also seem to suffer from some limitations on large lists/libraries which can be quite hard to troubleshoot.
In this blog post, I describe the issue that I have recently experienced and how it can be quickly resolved.

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Convert PnP TaxonomyPicker selection to update value

TaxonomyPicker update

I am a big fan of the PnP reusable controls and previously delivered some sessions about them. You can find the slides for one session on this blog post. One of my favorite controls is the TaxonomyPicker control, which I often use in custom forms to update list columns.

When using the PnP TaxonomyPicker reusable control to let the user select values for a managed metadata list field in SharePoint, you have to convert that selection into an object that you can then pass to the REST api when updating the field value.

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SharePoint SPFx extension – Advanced copy and move

A client recently asked me to create an advanced version of the default “Copy to” and “Move to” SharePoint capabilities available on every document library. This blog post will cover the main decisions, challenges, and tools that I used to achieve this.

After our client went live with a new SharePoint site to be used as the main “landing page” for the company, they started receiving some feedback from end users. I created some custom SPFx web parts and extensions for the site, so was expecting some feedback on my work. Instead, the most common feature that users were providing feedback on was the out-of-the-box “Copy to” and “Move to”.

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My path to receive the Microsoft MVP award

On the 1st of September, I opened my inbox and found a very  pleasant surprise. I had received the Microsoft MVP for Office Development award!

This post covers some of the things that led to the MVP award and also some personal thoughts about the MVP award program. Please note that this is only my own opinion, I don’t know the award criteria. Hope you find the post interesting.

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