SPFx Workbench Customizer


With SharePoint Framework, Microsoft also introduced a really good development story for creating custom web parts: the Workbench page.
This page is not only available when you are developing solutions locally, but also on a SharePoint site. This gives you the option to access data on a SharePoint site from code running on your machine. Let’s be honest, it’s great!

Unfortunately, the Workbench page also has some limitations for some development scenarios. One of them is, in my opinion, how the overall page styles differ from a normal modern SharePoint page.

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SPFx solution using PnPjs for Project Online REST API

SPFx Project SharePoint

If you know me or follow me on Twitter/LinkedIn, you must have realized by now how much I like the PnPjs library. Enough to venture myself to speak about it on 3 SharePoint Saturday events last year. The library has packages for SharePoint and Graph endpoints and can be easily used on SPFx solutions. But if you need an SPFx solution that consumes Project Online API, what options do you have?
Kudos to Paweł Hawrylak who started creating the Project module for PnPjs and currently already offers support for a wide range of endpoints. The module is currently in a dev branch and requires additional work and testing, but it’s already a phenomenal effort.

This blog post will cover the required steps to generate a local PnPjs Project package to consume Project Online REST APIs and create an SPFx web part that uses it.

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Reusable ARM template for Web Application

azure resources

SharePoint Framework is the new King of enterprise solutions. Since version 1.4.1, it allows you to easily connect to APIs secured with Azure Active Directory.
As a SharePoint developer, you will likely have to create Azure Web Apps or Functions to be consumed by your SharePoint Framework application. So why not use an ARM template for common scenarios? 
The following ARM template will, hopefully, come in handy and save you some time.

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PnP TaxonomyPicker reusable control as a required field

The PnP TaxonomyPicker reusable control doesn’t have a property to let you mark the input control as a required field on a form, but fortunately, this can be easily addressed.

If you have used the PnP TaxonomyPicker reusable control before, you may have noticed that it doesn’t have a property to make it required, nor does it have a property that lets you add a custom CSS class to it. The problem is that your other required input controls on the form will have a ‘*’ after the label, but not the TaxonomyPicker controls.

But there is a very simple way to solve this because the control also has a Label control, so we can mimic the styles from other Office UI Fabric input controls.

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